The love story lasting a lifetime

My man

He isn’t going to change… ever. And that’s what I love about him. We met at a car racing event. Him, a racing driver, one of the contestants in the spotlight. Me, a spectator, one of the many awed faces from the crowd. However slim the chances were, our eyes did meet and there was a sparkle. The sparkle which led us to going for it, checking where the tunnel of feeling would surface and, eventually, building our life together.

The new him

His racing day are long over, but his passion for it has never abated. Neither did our love and care for one another. Which is why, naturally, I’ve prepared a matching gift for such an engine enthusiast. There is a company called UGears, which produces marvelous wooden mechanical models for all tastes and ages (including middle-aged former professional drivers). The U-9 Grand Prix sports car, which I picked from will definitely remind him of his youth and of the days when we first fell in love! I know it’s going to be a remarkable St. Valentine’s and I can’t wait to see the expression on his face when I give him this colorful package.

A perfect gift

UGears is proud to offer you self-assemble models and 3D puzzles are made of ecological wood that few men can resist. U-9 Grand Prix, Roadster and Dream Cabriolet are just a few wooden model kits which will get many men’s hearts beating faster! Appeal to an engineer, creator and exquisite vehicle lover in your man at the same time and make your unforgettable St. Valentine’s even more so!