Ugears Mechanical Aquarium: Assemble me. Splash with me

A secret of fish

The Mechanical Aquarium from Ugears is an ingenious saltwater fishbowl. It has two pet tropical fish chasing each other around a forest of macroalgae fronds. Moreover inside of each hides another small inhabitant of the marine environment — a seahorse!

Unique realistic action

This is not only a DIY aquarium wooden model kit. With its original theme and design, it became a fine addition to the UGears 3D puzzles Catalogue you can see that it also features a unique mechanical action.

The fish and algae rotate simultaneously and in parallel at different speeds and in different directions. These movements simulate the smooth, undulating rhythms of underwater plant and animal life.

How to bring this wooden model to life?

To set the model in motion, wind the knob under the aquarium with about 25 half-turns, flip the switch from “STOP” to “SWIM” mode. Now you can watch how your Mechanical Aquarium comes to life!

You can stop the model at any time, or just let it go and enjoy the movements of the automaton fish and fronds for about 40 seconds.