Hexapod Explorer: Assemble Me. Step with me

Unique wooden puzzle kit by Ugears

We are happy to introduce the Ugears Hexapod Explorer. It is a part insect, part robot, part extraterrestrial rover. The Hexapod Explorer can walk up to 3 meters on its own legs. Because of a powerful spring motor, this model don`t need an auxiliary or supporting wheel like other models have.

Like a planetary rover

This model can bear its own weight, on the legs alone. It allows the Hexapod Explorer to navigate slightly rough terrain, like a planetary rover stepping out of the capsule to explore new worlds. And the Hexapod Explorer has another amazing feature! The Hexapod Explorer comes with a variable speed dial.

Best gift idea

The Ugears Hexapod Explorer is a unique gift idea! You can give it to your friends or family members. For everybody who love nature, insects, robots, model building, DIY projects, puzzles, or for anyone who appreciates outstanding mechanical and aesthetic design.

Pre-order now and the model will be delivered after October 15th, 2021