Are you ready for Father’s Day with Ugears?  

Why dads are important

 Just because they are. Dad is your shoulder to cry on, your rock, your fortress. Yes, dads are human and by no means flawless. But they truly care. They provide a model of behavior in society which their influence their kids big time. In most cases, dads rock, and Ugears stand by those dads!!

What dads love

 What they love, of course, is the embrace of their family, their smiles and kisses! Some of them also enjoy different hobbies, like cars and assembling wooden models for adults. The latter category has plenty of Ugears models to choose from! Bike fans may be fascinated by Ugears Scrambler UGR-10 with Sidecar. It is the embodiment of adventure, wind in your face, miles left behind… Do you want to travel with elegance and style? Ugears Dream Cabriolet VM-05 is up to the challenge! No doors will stay closed if you arrive in this elegant classic vehicle! Choose a Ugears Roadster VM-01 if you want to cruise around and chill or a powerful Ugears Drift Cobra Racing Car if speed is your god! With so many models to choose from, no dad with an interest for cars will be left behind!

Having fun together

 Assembling a wooden puzzle kit with your kids will add to your quality time together with the family and let you experience the joy of creation together! With a multitude of Ugears model kits to choose from, no one will be left behind! Visit to see the full range of models and to make your pick!

Be aware, we have a special discount for your loved ones. The special deal is valid till June 19, so you can order more models for less money. Don’t miss this chance!

Ukraine: the ultimate fight for freedom

 The world watched February 24th headlights: frozen, disbelieving, speechless. The evil with no name crept from within the vast continent in an attempt to weave its tentacles around another, to pull them under, to cancel their aspirations. The other, however, has resisted mightily, courageously, passionately. Stay with the stout-hearted people of Ukraine! Click the link to find outhow you can contribute to the battle of light against darkness